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Remember how you learned to walk? swim? or drive? Why this maters to HubSpot Adoption

Written by Mark Hullin | Oct 9, 2024 6:30:00 AM

Do you remember how you learned to walk? Or learned to talk? Or swim? Or ride a bike? Or drive a car or motorbike? Or maybe you’ve learned a new language recently?

For many of us, especially those like me who’ve been around the block a few times, these early memories are clouded by time. We might not remember every detail about the first time we stood upright or the first sentence we spoke, but we do remember the more recent milestones. I can still recall the time I learned to drive or how I mastered swimming. What sticks out to me about all these learning experiences is the moment when things finally "clicked."

Before that click, everything feels a bit noisy, confusing, or overwhelming. The lessons, videos, frameworks, lectures, and books all blend into a whirlwind of information that’s hard to grasp. But once it clicks, the fog lifts, and suddenly, things start to make sense.

At Real Inbound, we’ve learned from experience that this same principle applies to closing the HubSpot adoption gap. When a business adopts HubSpot, it’s more than just installing software—it’s about helping clients understand, use, and benefit from the platform in a way that becomes second nature.

You can’t simply tell people how to overcome this gap. You must teach them, and teach them in a way that helps it "click." And that means doing it with them, not for them.

The HubSpot Adoption Gap

Let’s talk about the HubSpot adoption gap. It’s the distance between where a business is when it first starts using HubSpot and where it needs to be to fully unlock the platform’s potential. It’s that learning curve where clients are just trying to figure out how to use the basic features, often feeling overwhelmed, uncertain, and hesitant to push past what’s comfortable.

You see, HubSpot is a powerful tool. But for many businesses, it’s also an unfamiliar one. The marketing automation, CRM, sales tools, and customer service features offer incredible opportunities. However, if you don’t understand how to use these tools effectively, they can end up being underutilised or even abandoned.

That’s where we come in at Real Inbound. We help businesses navigate that adoption gap, and what we’ve learned is that you can’t rush the process. The key to success isn’t forcing the client to figure it out on their own, nor is it doing it all for them. The sweet spot is working alongside them—guiding, teaching, and enabling them until it all clicks into place.

Why Teaching HubSpot is Like Learning to Ride a Bike

Here’s the thing: adopting HubSpot is a lot like learning to ride a bike.

Think back to when you first got on a bike. You probably started with training wheels, right? Someone was there, maybe a parent or an older sibling, helping you balance, keeping you steady, and offering encouragement. Eventually, they let go, and after a few wobbles, you started pedalling on your own.

That’s exactly what we do during HubSpot adoption. We provide the training wheels, helping our clients get their balance, showing them how to steer, and ensuring they don’t fall flat. But the goal is always to get them riding on their own.

The most rewarding part of our work? It’s that moment when the client hits their stride—when the penny drops, and they get it. Suddenly, everything we’ve been working on makes sense to them. They’re not just following instructions anymore; they’re making informed decisions, using the tools to meet their business goals, and feeling confident in their abilities.

But getting to that point? It takes time, patience, and a lot of back-and-forth.

Why You Can’t Force the Click

One of the most important things we’ve learned at Real Inbound is that you can’t force the click. Just like you can’t make a child ride a bike before they’re ready, you can’t push clients to master HubSpot if they haven’t fully grasped the basics.

Often, businesses want quick results. They want to adopt HubSpot and see an immediate return on investment. But rushing the process only leads to frustration. They may try to implement features they don’t fully understand, leading to mistakes and, ultimately, poor adoption.

Our job is to slow them down—sometimes even pull them back a little. We spend time asking questions, identifying their pain points, and figuring out what’s holding them back. We repeat things if necessary and break down complex ideas into manageable pieces. We don’t just give them the tools—we teach them how to use those tools effectively.

In doing so, we create an environment where learning happens naturally. And when it finally clicks for the client, it’s a moment of pure satisfaction for both them and us.

The Importance of Questions in the Learning Process

At Real Inbound, we believe that questions are a powerful tool in helping our clients bridge the HubSpot adoption gap. When you ask questions, you’re not just testing what the client knows; you’re helping them think critically about what they’re doing.

When a client doesn’t fully understand a process, it’s not enough to explain it to them over and over. Instead, we ask questions to lead them to the answer themselves. Questions like:

  • What’s the main goal you’re trying to achieve with this feature?
  • How do you think this tool fits into your current workflow?
  • What do you think is stopping you from moving forward here?

By asking these kinds of questions, we empower clients to find solutions on their own. And when they do, it’s far more meaningful than just following a step-by-step guide. It becomes their own knowledge, their own discovery—and that’s when it sticks.

Enabling, Not Doing: The Secret to HubSpot Success

There’s a temptation, especially in fast-paced environments, to do the work for the client. After all, it’s often quicker, and you can ensure everything is done exactly how it needs to be. But this approach misses the point.

At Real Inbound, we’ve learned that doing it for them doesn’t work. Sure, you might implement everything perfectly, but once you step away, the client is left with a system they don’t fully understand. They might be able to use it in the short term, but as soon as something changes, they’re back at square one, reaching out for help again.

Our goal isn’t to create dependency; it’s to create independence. That’s why we focus on enabling clients. We’re there to support them, guide them, and hold their hand if needed—but we always make sure they’re doing the work themselves. We’re their safety net, not their crutch.

The Role of Frameworks, White Papers, and Guides

Of course, that doesn’t mean we don’t provide resources. Far from it! At Real Inbound, we’ve created plenty of frameworks, guides, and white papers to help our clients understand HubSpot’s many features. But these resources are only tools to supplement the learning process.

The real magic happens in the conversations, the strategy sessions, and the moments when we work together to solve a problem. It’s in these collaborative moments that the click happens. No amount of documentation can replace that.

When the Click Happens: A Moment of Success

There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing a client reach the point where it clicks. It’s like watching someone swim for the first time without floats or balance on a bike without wobbling. They’re no longer relying on us—they’re confidently using HubSpot to achieve their business goals.

And that’s what it’s all about. At Real Inbound, we measure our success by our clients’ success. When they’re thriving, when they’re using HubSpot to its fullest potential without needing constant support, that’s when we know we’ve done our job.

Final Thoughts: The HubSpot Adoption Journey

The HubSpot adoption gap is real, and it’s a challenge for many businesses. But with the right approach, it’s a challenge that can be overcome.

At Real Inbound, we’ve learned that success comes from doing it with them, not for them. We provide the tools, guidance, and support needed to help our clients close that gap, but ultimately, it’s their journey. We’re just there to help them along the way until it all clicks.

So, if you’re facing the HubSpot adoption gap and feeling a bit overwhelmed, remember this: it’s a process. You’ll get there. And when it clicks, everything will change for the better.

Ready to Close the HubSpot Adoption Gap?

If you’re looking to close the gap and unlock the full potential of HubSpot for your business, we’ve got you covered! Our HubSpot Adoption Gap Framework email series will guide you step-by-step on how to overcome common challenges, drive better results, and ensure long-term success.

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