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Crack the Code - Aligning Vision, Mission and Strategy Using HubSpot

Written by Mark Hullin | Oct 16, 2024 6:30:00 AM

At Real Inbound, we’ve worked with countless businesses, and one recurring issue we see is the struggle to align the big-picture goals with the day-to-day activities. Businesses have great visions, but translating those visions into actionable strategies and metrics is often where things start to break down.

This is where HubSpot comes into play. More than just a CRM, HubSpot can be the backbone of your business, helping you link your Vision, Mission, Strategy, and Tactics into one cohesive system. Done right, this approach not only ensures every team member is working toward the same goals but also gives you the ability to measure and adjust in real-time.

In this article, we’ll walk through how to structure your business using HubSpot, closing the HubSpot Adoption Gap and ensuring that every part of your business is aligned and driving growth.


Vision: The Future You Want to Create

Every business starts with a Vision—an idea of what you want to achieve in the long term. Whether it’s becoming a market leader, delivering an innovative product, or making a specific impact in your industry, your Vision is the North Star for your business.

But a Vision on its own isn’t enough. It’s just the starting point. The real challenge is turning that Vision into something actionable, which is where HubSpot comes in.

How HubSpot Helps:

  • Goal Setting: HubSpot allows you to set long-term goals for your business, making sure that your Vision is not just something abstract but a measurable target.
  • Collaboration Tools: Your Vision needs to be communicated across all teams. HubSpot’s collaboration tools ensure everyone understands the business’s overarching goals, making it easier to align individual and departmental efforts with the larger Vision.

Mission: The Change You Want to Make

Once you have a Vision, you need a Mission—the change you want to make in the world or your industry. Your Mission is the driving force behind everything you do. It answers the question: What do we want to achieve, and why?

For example, if your Vision is to become the leading provider of eco-friendly packaging, your Mission could be something like: "We aim to eliminate plastic waste in consumer goods packaging by offering sustainable, compostable alternatives."

A Mission clarifies how you will achieve your Vision and gives your team a sense of purpose. But even a clear Mission isn’t enough on its own. You need to develop a plan to make it happen.

How HubSpot Helps:

  • Mission-Driven Marketing: HubSpot’s marketing tools allow you to build campaigns around your Mission. Use the platform to create mission-aligned content, email campaigns, and social media posts, ensuring that your purpose is front and centre in everything you communicate to your audience.
  • Mission Metrics: You can track how well your business is fulfilling its Mission by linking your Mission goals to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in HubSpot. These KPIs act as a barometer for how well you’re executing your Mission.

Strategy: How You Will Achieve the Mission

The Strategy is your roadmap for success. It outlines the steps and processes you need to follow to achieve your Mission and ultimately your Vision. Developing a good Strategy means answering questions like:

  • What markets will you target?
  • What resources will you need?
  • How will you differentiate from competitors?
  • What technology will support your execution?

At Real Inbound, we’ve seen that many businesses struggle at this stage. They have a Vision and a Mission but lack the Strategy to make it happen. And, even when the Strategy is in place, they often fail to operationalise it in a way that drives the business forward. That’s where HubSpot’s robust system really shows its value.

How HubSpot Helps:

  • Data-Driven Strategy: HubSpot’s CRM and analytics tools allow you to gather and analyse data on your customers, sales processes, and marketing efforts. With this data, you can adjust your Strategy to better align with real-world conditions.
  • Automation: HubSpot enables you to automate parts of your Strategy. For example, you can automate customer follow-ups, nurture campaigns, and internal notifications, freeing up your team to focus on higher-level strategic tasks.

Tactics: The Actions that Execute the Strategy

Once you’ve developed your Strategy, you need to break it down into Tactics—the specific actions you’ll take to achieve your strategic goals. These could be things like launching a new marketing campaign, developing a sales outreach plan, or expanding customer support operations.

Your Tactics are the engine of your business. Each tactic should directly support your Strategy and, ultimately, your Mission and Vision.

How HubSpot Helps:

  • Marketing Automation: Use HubSpot’s marketing automation to execute specific Tactics, like running targeted email campaigns or managing ad spend across social platforms.
  • Sales Pipelines: HubSpot’s sales pipeline management tools help you keep track of every step in the sales process. Whether it’s a cold outreach or a closing negotiation, you can create Tactics around how your sales team approaches and closes deals.
  • Customer Support Tools: With HubSpot’s service tools, you can automate and track your customer support Tactics. Every interaction is logged, ensuring that your customer service team is delivering consistently excellent support.


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Measuring the Success of Your Tactics

For each of your Tactics, you need a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)—a specific, measurable value that shows whether a Tactic is succeeding. KPIs act as milestones on the road to your Strategy’s success.

For example, if your Tactic is to improve lead generation through a new content marketing campaign, your KPI might be the number of new leads generated per month. If your Tactic is improving customer retention, your KPI might be customer churn rate.

Without KPIs, it’s impossible to know if your Tactics are effective. You need clear metrics to measure progress.

How HubSpot Helps:

  • Automated Tracking: HubSpot’s reporting tools allow you to set and track KPIs across all departments. Whether it’s the number of leads generated, sales closed, or customer satisfaction scores, HubSpot can automate the tracking of these key metrics.
  • Custom Dashboards: Use HubSpot’s custom dashboards to view real-time performance data for your KPIs. You can easily see which Tactics are working and which need adjustment, allowing for agile decision-making.


Management Control System (MCS): Linking Tactics to Strategy, Mission, and Vision

Once you have your Tactics and KPIs in place, you need a way to ensure that everything stays on track. This is where a Management Control System (MCS) comes into play. An MCS allows you to track your performance at every level, from individual tasks to high-level strategic objectives. It gives you real-time insights into how your business is performing and allows you to make adjustments as needed.

At Real Inbound, we often see businesses struggle without a proper MCS. They may have the right Strategy and Tactics in place, but without a system to track and adjust their performance, they risk falling short of their goals.

How HubSpot Helps:

  • Centralised Data: HubSpot acts as your System of Record, meaning all your important data—whether it’s sales, marketing, or customer service—is housed in one place. This gives you a 360-degree view of your business and ensures that your MCS is based on accurate, up-to-date information.
  • Automated Alerts: HubSpot allows you to set up automated alerts for when KPIs hit specific thresholds. If a particular Tactic isn’t performing well, you’ll know about it immediately and can adjust accordingly.
  • Real-Time Reporting: With HubSpot’s reporting tools, you can generate real-time reports on your KPIs, Tactics, and Strategy. This allows management to have full oversight of the business and ensures alignment between Tactics and Strategy.


Using HubSpot as the Backbone for Your MCS

The most important role HubSpot plays in your business structure is as the backbone of your Management Control System. A CRM system like HubSpot isn’t just about tracking customer interactions—it’s about providing the data and insights needed to make informed decisions that drive your business forward.

How HubSpot Supports Your Business:

  1. Accurate Metrics: HubSpot ensures that your performance metrics are always accurate and up to date.
  2. Alignment: By integrating your sales, marketing, and customer service teams into one system, HubSpot creates alignment across your business.
  3. Business Intelligence: HubSpot’s analytics and reporting tools give management the insights needed to adjust Strategy and Tactics in real-time.
  4. Closed-Loop Reporting: With HubSpot, you can connect marketing efforts to sales outcomes, creating a closed-loop system where you can measure the ROI of every Tactic.


The HubSpot Adoption Gap: Why This All Falls Apart Without Full Adoption

Even with a clear Vision, Mission, Strategy, Tactics, KPIs, and MCS in place, many businesses still fail to realise the full potential of HubSpot. Why? Because of the HubSpot Adoption Gap. This is the gap between having the tools and using them effectively.

At Real Inbound, we’ve seen businesses invest heavily in HubSpot but then fail to fully adopt the platform across all teams. This leads to inefficiencies, poor data management, and a lack of alignment between departments.

How to Close the HubSpot Adoption Gap:

  1. Leadership Buy-In: Ensure that business leaders are fully invested in using HubSpot and driving its adoption.
  2. Cross-Team Training: Every department—marketing, sales, customer service—must be trained on how to use HubSpot effectively.
  3. Continuous Improvement: HubSpot isn’t a “set it and forget it” tool. It requires continuous optimisation and adjustment to meet changing business needs.


Conclusion: Structuring Your Business for Success with HubSpot

Structuring your business for success starts with a clear Vision and Mission, but it doesn’t end there. To truly realise your goals, you need a cohesive Strategy, clear Tactics, measurable KPIs, and a solid Management Control System (MCS). HubSpot ties all of this together, acting as the backbone for your business’s growth and alignment.

However, none of this matters if you don’t fully adopt the platform. The HubSpot Adoption Gap is real, but it’s something we at Real Inbound can help you close. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that HubSpot isn’t just another tool—it’s a central part of your business’s success.

Ready to Close the HubSpot Adoption Gap?

If you’re ready to take full advantage of HubSpot and close the adoption gap in your organisation, we’re here to help. Our HubSpot Adoption Gap Framework email series will guide you through every step of the process, ensuring that your business is structured for success.

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