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HubSpot Champions Are the Game-Changers You’re Missing to Close the Adoption Gap

Written by Mark Hullin | Sep 13, 2024 6:30:00 AM

At Real Inbound, we’ve seen countless businesses struggle with CRM adoption. One of the most effective ways to close the HubSpot Adoption Gap is by empowering internal champions within your organisation—individuals who take ownership of the system and inspire their teams to get the most out of it.

The HubSpot Adoption Gap occurs when companies implement the platform but fail to fully integrate it into their daily workflows. Whether it’s due to lack of training, unclear leadership, or general resistance to change, the adoption gap can cause businesses to underutilise HubSpot, leaving many of its features untapped. This underutilisation leads to inefficiencies, missed revenue opportunities, and ultimately a lower return on investment (ROI).

One of the most powerful strategies for overcoming this challenge is developing HubSpot champions—key employees who become advocates for HubSpot, drive adoption across teams, and act as go-to resources for their colleagues. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of HubSpot champions, how they contribute to closing the adoption gap, and how you can identify and empower them within your organisation.


What is a HubSpot Champion?

A HubSpot champion is an internal leader who has deep knowledge of HubSpot’s features and capabilities and is passionate about using the platform to improve business processes. They act as a bridge between the technical aspects of HubSpot and the day-to-day operations of your team, ensuring that everyone is using the platform effectively.

These champions are not necessarily in managerial roles—they can be anyone within the organisation who demonstrates enthusiasm for HubSpot and a willingness to learn. Their job is to help teams understand how to use HubSpot’s tools in a way that aligns with business goals, which ultimately closes the HubSpot Adoption Gap.

Key Characteristics of a HubSpot Champion:

  1. In-depth Knowledge: A champion thoroughly understands how HubSpot works and can troubleshoot issues or offer advice.
  2. Leadership Skills: They inspire others to embrace the platform and lead by example.
  3. Proactive Learning: HubSpot champions continuously stay up to date with the latest features and updates through training and certifications.
  4. Communication: They serve as a point of contact for questions or issues, facilitating better adoption across departments.


Why HubSpot Champions Are Essential for Closing the Adoption Gap

Without a designated champion, teams often struggle to adopt new systems like HubSpot. Internal champions provide structure and leadership during the transition and beyond, helping teams feel more confident in their ability to use the platform effectively.

Here are the key reasons why HubSpot champions are so crucial:

  1. Driving Engagement and Enthusiasm

When a new system is introduced, many employees may be hesitant to embrace it, preferring the familiar processes they’ve used for years. This resistance is one of the main barriers to closing the HubSpot Adoption Gap.

HubSpot champions play a vital role in overcoming this resistance by generating excitement around the platform. They show others how HubSpot can make their jobs easier, improve productivity, and ultimately benefit the business. Champions can provide hands-on support, demonstrating real-world examples of how the tool has worked for them, which often resonates more than formal training sessions.

For example, a champion in the sales department might show colleagues how HubSpot’s CRM helps track customer interactions more effectively, leading to faster sales cycles. A marketing champion might demonstrate how HubSpot’s automation tools can free up time for more creative, strategic work.

By leading the way, champions inspire enthusiasm and buy-in from their peers, creating a culture where HubSpot is seen as a valuable asset rather than a complicated new tool.

  1. Providing Ongoing Training and Support

HubSpot champions aren’t just cheerleaders—they are also knowledge resources. One of the most effective ways to close the adoption gap is through ongoing training, and champions can provide that training at a peer level.

While the initial onboarding may have introduced employees to HubSpot’s core functions, champions can help teammates dive deeper into the more advanced tools as they become more comfortable with the platform. They offer ongoing support, answering questions, troubleshooting problems, and sharing new insights about how to use HubSpot efficiently.

Champions can also keep the team informed about new HubSpot features or updates and encourage colleagues to stay certified through HubSpot’s Academy. Continuous learning and support are key to closing the adoption gap and ensuring that HubSpot becomes fully integrated into the daily operations of your business.

  1. Aligning Teams Around HubSpot’s Capabilities

One of the biggest obstacles in closing the HubSpot Adoption Gap is the misalignment between teams. Sales and marketing, in particular, may not always be on the same page when it comes to how HubSpot should be used.

HubSpot champions can act as connectors who ensure that all teams understand how HubSpot’s tools benefit the entire organisation. Champions encourage collaboration by facilitating regular discussions between departments to ensure that everyone is leveraging the same data and working towards common goals.

For example, a marketing champion can explain how lead scoring works and how it helps sales prioritise follow-up with the most qualified leads. A sales champion, in turn, can show how they use HubSpot’s CRM to track the progress of leads that marketing has generated.

This cross-departmental alignment is critical for closing the adoption gap. When teams are on the same page, they can leverage HubSpot’s features to their full extent, improving both productivity and the customer experience.

  1. Ensuring Accountability

HubSpot champions help hold the team accountable by ensuring that everyone is following best practices and fully utilising the platform. Without champions, it’s easy for teams to slip into old habits, relying on spreadsheets or manual processes instead of the automation tools that HubSpot offers.

By regularly monitoring how the platform is used and providing feedback, champions keep the team on track and prevent backsliding into inefficient processes. They can also work with leadership to identify gaps in usage and suggest strategies for improvement.


How to Identify and Empower HubSpot Champions

So, how do you find the right HubSpot champions in your organisation? Here are a few strategies to help identify and empower these internal leaders:

  1. Look for Passionate Users

Start by identifying employees who have already shown an interest in HubSpot. They might be the ones who ask the most questions during training sessions, experiment with different tools on their own, or frequently offer suggestions for how the platform can be used more effectively.

These individuals are likely your natural champions. Empower them by giving them additional training or access to advanced HubSpot resources and encourage them to share their knowledge with the rest of the team.

  1. Provide Additional Training

Even the most enthusiastic HubSpot users may need extra training to become effective champions. Consider sending potential champions to advanced HubSpot certification programs or providing them with access to external resources that can deepen their expertise.

At Real Inbound, we often recommend that champions pursue specialised certifications in areas like inbound marketing, sales enablement, or HubSpot automation to help them better understand how HubSpot can be used across different functions.

  1. Recognise and Reward Champions

Being a HubSpot champion requires extra effort, so it’s important to recognise and reward those who take on this role. Celebrate their contributions in team meetings, offer public recognition for their efforts, or even consider providing incentives like bonuses or extra holiday days.

By recognising the value champions bring to the organisation, you’ll encourage others to take up the mantle and help create a culture where HubSpot adoption is a priority.

  1. Encourage Collaboration Among Champions

If your organisation is large enough, you may want to designate multiple HubSpot champions across different departments. Encourage them to collaborate regularly to share insights, coordinate efforts, and ensure that HubSpot adoption is consistent across the business.

For example, marketing, sales, and customer service champions can work together to ensure that HubSpot is used consistently throughout the entire customer journey, improving the overall customer experience and increasing the likelihood of closing the adoption gap.


The Long-Term Benefits of Empowering HubSpot Champions

When you empower HubSpot champions within your organisation, you’re investing in more than just successful CRM adoption. You’re also creating a team of internal leaders who are passionate about driving process improvements, fostering collaboration, and ensuring long-term business growth.

By closing the HubSpot Adoption Gap, you can expect to see:

  • Increased Efficiency: Teams spend less time on manual processes and more time on high-value tasks.
  • Better Team Alignment: Sales, marketing, and customer service teams work together seamlessly, using the same data and tools to achieve shared goals.
  • Improved Customer Experience: Customers benefit from a more cohesive, personalised experience, as all teams are aligned and using HubSpot to manage the customer journey.
  • Higher ROI: When HubSpot is fully adopted and used effectively, you get more value from your investment, leading to better overall business performance.


Conclusion: Champions Are Key to Closing the HubSpot Adoption Gap

HubSpot champions are an essential part of any successful CRM adoption strategy. By empowering these internal leaders, you can ensure that HubSpot becomes an integral part of your company’s daily operations, driving better team collaboration, increased efficiency, and long-term growth.

At Real Inbound, we’ve seen first-hand how HubSpot champions can transform an organisation, helping businesses close the adoption gap and unlock the full potential of the platform. If you’re ready to identify and empower your champions, we’re here to guide you through the process.