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Master HubSpot Adoption: Set the Right Goals and Crush Them with MCS

Written by Mark Hullin | Oct 7, 2024 6:30:00 AM

When businesses invest in HubSpot, they’re looking to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and unlock growth. But all too often, they stumble into a common trap — adoption stalls. The platform might be set up, yet no one fully uses it, and the expected gains fail to materialise.

This is where Management Control Systems (MCS) come into play, providing structure and visibility to ensure you're setting achievable goals and tracking adoption progress effectively. In this article, we will explore how setting realistic goals and tracking progress using MCS can lead to successful HubSpot adoption.

Why Goal-Setting Matters in HubSpot Adoption

The first hurdle businesses face is treating HubSpot like a magic bullet — assuming that just purchasing and setting up the software will solve their operational problems. Spoiler alert: It doesn’t. What bridges the gap between purchase and real outcomes is clear, actionable goal-setting.

Think of HubSpot adoption as a long-term strategy, not just a project that gets checked off. Adoption is a process that requires you to set both short-term and long-term goals. Without these, how do you know if you're moving in the right direction?

For instance, a short-term goal might be to have your sales team fully migrate from their spreadsheets into HubSpot’s CRM. A long-term goal might be optimising your customer service team’s ticketing process via the HubSpot Service Hub.

These goals need to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). But even after setting SMART goals, tracking them without a management framework can feel overwhelming. This is where Management Control Systems (MCS) step in.


What is an MCS and Why Does It Matter for HubSpot Adoption?

An MCS (Management Control System) gathers and uses data to evaluate the performance of your organisational resources. It provides a structured approach to ensure you are meeting your goals, whether those goals involve marketing, sales, or service metrics.

For HubSpot users, an MCS offers a clear way to measure adoption success across teams and hold individuals accountable for using HubSpot as it’s intended. Here’s why it’s crucial to integrate MCS into your HubSpot journey:

  • Visibility and Accountability: MCS gives you a bird’s-eye view of how teams use HubSpot. You can track activity, engagement, and performance, ensuring that your team stays on course.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Instead of making assumptions about your team’s progress, an MCS allows you to back decisions with real-time data.
  • Long-Term Focus: Without an MCS, the initial excitement of adopting HubSpot might fizzle out. An MCS keeps the focus on continuous improvement, ensuring that you evolve with HubSpot over time.


How to Set Realistic Goals for HubSpot Adoption

Setting goals that are both ambitious and achievable is an art. The key is to break them down into actionable steps. Here’s a practical approach:

  1. Start with Why
    Why did you choose HubSpot in the first place? To increase leads? To improve customer retention? Your goals should align with these overarching business objectives. For example, if your "why" is to improve customer retention, one goal could be to implement the HubSpot Service Hub within the first 90 days.
  2. Focus on SMART Goals
    It sounds simple, but many businesses struggle with this. SMART goals bring clarity and focus. For instance, a vague goal like "Increase lead generation" should be transformed into "Increase lead conversion by 20% over the next quarter by using HubSpot’s automation workflows."
  3. Include Cross-Functional Teams
    HubSpot isn’t just a CRM for sales. It spans marketing, service, and operations. Therefore, your goals must involve all teams. For instance, a sales team might focus on CRM data accuracy, while the marketing team could aim to improve email campaign performance using HubSpot.
  4. Break Down Big Goals into Milestones
    Big goals can overwhelm your team. Break them down. If your goal is to have 100% of your sales team using HubSpot, start by having 25% onboard within the first 30 days. Then build momentum from there.


Tracking HubSpot Adoption Progress with MCS

You’ve set your goals, but how do you ensure you're hitting them? With MCS, you get real-time insights into progress. Here’s how to use MCS for effective HubSpot adoption tracking:

  1. Create Performance Dashboards
    HubSpot’s dashboard tools are a gift for anyone tracking adoption. Use them to create dashboards that track essential KPIs such as CRM usage rates, email open rates, or pipeline velocity. This allows you to gauge whether your teams are actively using the platform.
  2. Regular Review Meetings
    MCS isn't static; it’s a dynamic system that thrives on regular updates. Schedule monthly or quarterly meetings to review performance against the goals set. These reviews help identify areas that need improvement or where teams are excelling.
  3. Tie Performance to Real Business Outcomes
    Numbers on a dashboard can only tell you so much. Always tie your KPIs back to business outcomes. For instance, if CRM usage has increased, has that led to better lead nurturing and improved close rates?
  4. Implement Accountability Measures
    Holding your team accountable is critical. Set clear expectations for each department and individual. Use MCS to track compliance and adherence to using HubSpot’s full suite of tools.
  5. Adjust as Needed
    Don’t be afraid to revise your goals if things aren't going as planned. HubSpot adoption is a journey, and MCS provides the flexibility to adjust strategies based on performance data.


Common Pitfalls When Setting and Tracking HubSpot Goals

Even with the best intentions, many businesses fall into traps when setting and tracking goals for HubSpot adoption. Here’s how to avoid them:

  1. Overly Ambitious Goals
    Setting unrealistic goals leads to frustration and demotivation. Make sure your goals are within reach. While it’s good to push for growth, stretching your team too thin can backfire.
  2. Neglecting MCS Data
    If you’re not using the data that your MCS provides, you're flying blind. Regularly reviewing data ensures you’re on track and can course-correct if needed.
  3. Failing to Engage Leadership
    HubSpot adoption must be a company-wide effort, and leadership needs to be involved. If leaders aren’t advocating for the use of HubSpot, teams won’t prioritise it.
  4. Ignoring Continuous Improvement
    HubSpot is constantly evolving, and so should your goals. What worked last year might not work this year. Keep improving and refining your strategies based on your MCS data.


Final Thoughts: Setting HubSpot Adoption Goals with Confidence

HubSpot adoption isn’t about setting and forgetting. It’s a continuous process that requires active management, regular goal-setting, and ongoing tracking. Management Control Systems (MCS) provide the structure needed to stay on top of your adoption journey and ensure that your teams are using HubSpot to its full potential.

By setting realistic goals and using MCS to track them, you’ll close the HubSpot Adoption Gap and see real, measurable improvements in your business operations. And remember, the path to HubSpot success isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon that requires commitment and constant adjustment.